Surviving Cancer: A Caregiver's Guide to Survival One Step at a Time


You exercise, eat right, and live a healthy lifestyle. Cancer will never impact you, right?



Life is like a roller coaster ride at the amusement park. It has its ups followed by downs, Surviving Cancer Final Coverwhile sometimes twisting and turning you completely around. It includes the good and the bad; it can be predictable at times, while other times it can catch you completely off guard when something you never expected or anticipated is delivered to you. “The Ugly C” as I now refer to it – Cancer!

Surviving Cancer is a unique book that combines a personal journey through the identification and complicated choices with the steps necessary for any caregiver to deal with this unfortunate life change.

Within this book you will find:

  •  My story of dealing with cancer.
  •  Lessons learned that will help give you guidance.
  •  Step by step guidance that will prepare you to handle this situation if it occurs.

I promise by following the steps outlined in this book, you will be far more prepared to handle this event should you be faced with the unthinkable and you'll have a plan that will make the transition easier on your and your family.

Don’t be caught off guard when the unexpected news is delivered like an unwanted package. Be the kind of person who has a plan and can take immediate action instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to do or having to figure things out as you live it!




Get the Real "Skinny" on Healthy Weight Loss: Commit to a Lifestyle Modification and Get Results

Make a lifestyle change that will transform your health!

Get the Real Skinny on Healthy Weight Loss Final Cover Design


Have you tried diets, exercise programs, and other self-help books only to find that after months you have the same results as when you started?

If You Answered Yes to this Question,

Get the Real “Skinny” on Healthy Weight Loss
is the guide you have been searching for that will lead you to long-term sustainable results through lifestyle changes!

With all of the books about dieting that are found on the market and online these days, you might be asking yourself, “Why do I need more diet information?” Well, the truth is, you probably don’t, but how do you really know?

I suppose you could ask yourself a few questions to help determine whether another guide is needed.  Let's do that and find out!

Do you answer “NO” to any of the following questions?

  • "Have I been successful at losing weight?”
  • “Has my weight loss been more than just water weight?”
  • “Am I starving myself or going without items that I enjoy?”
  • “Am I taking supplements or harmful weight loss stimulants to lose the weight?”
  • “Have I been successful at keeping the weight off – for more than one month? Three Months? Six Months? One year?”
  • “Am I within the healthy weight limits as described by my personal physician?”
  • “Am I happy? Or am I constantly irritable?”
  • “Do I look and feel better about myself?”

If you responded in ways that have made you question your weight loss success, you may need to review the methods with which you’ve chosen to lose the weight.

Each and every individual that promotes diet, exercise, and weight loss come from different places, usually providing specific information related to their own personal journey and set of circumstances and beliefs. In other words, they may be coming from a different place entirely than you. Does this mean that the information provided is irrelevant or completely off base? Absolutely not! It just means that you’ll have to read through the information, find specifics to weight loss and exercise that are universal in nature, and apply them to your own situation, which is somewhat predetermined by your lifestyle.

Within the covers of this guide, my goal is to provide you with information that will help you commit to a total lifestyle change, as truly healthy weight loss IS dependent upon every choice that you make and action you take. It’s not just about how much you eat or whether you exercise regularly, there are many other factors that come into play. How do I know? I’ll share my personal experiences with you later; however, suffice it to say that I’ve endured a tremendous number of life-changing experiences, each of which has led to this publication.  A book filled with information which can be customized and geared specifically toward YOU and your goals.  NO one size fits all here!




Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues (Vol 1)


If you're like many first time parents preparing to welcome their baby into this world, you probably think you’ve got it all figured out.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000421_00029]More than likely you’ve spent months reading as many parenting books geared to help guide you through the pregnancy and welcome home your newborn. The books you’ve read may even assist you through the first few months of your child’s existence into the first year of your baby’s immunizations, teething, and perhaps the initial stages of speech and language development.

What happens, however, when your delightful little infant begins to develop their own personality? When your sweet baby begins to throw unsolicited temper tantrums, refuses to eat, misbehaves at home which begins to carry into the classroom, or is the victim of bullying, or demonstrates excessive levels of anger or perhaps becomes withdrawn? Maybe your child lacks the ability to say no to food, alcohol or sex. Perhaps you need help or assistance with strategies to teach your children how to be accountable for their actions, how to handle bullies, or how to speak to your children about sex and other sensitive topics.

Children tend to grow and become little human beings quicker than most parents would like to see. Sadly, during the child growth and development stages, parents are faced with situations that they simply do not have the tools to effectively handle.

Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues (Volume 1) is written to support the needs of parents, teachers, caregivers and even teens. It provides tips, strategies and effective methods for responding to and handling child growth and developmental issues from infancy into adulthood. It even includes topics related to marital relations once children have been introduced into the family unit.

Each volume in the 5-part series is a comprehensive guide which contains many different subjects from literally A to Z.


In Volume 1 you'll find information on:

Accountability (Teaching), ADHD, Assertive Discipline, Banishing Blemishes, Bullies, Catching Fish with Kids, Classroom Management, Curing a Sinus Infection (the natural way), Depression (Teenage), DRUGS (Saying NO), Excuses (Making Them for Your Child's Behavior), Family Fun Activities, Four Wheel Safety, Gluten (Hidden Sources), Healthy Eating Habits, Hydration (Staying Hydrated While Playing Sports), Internet Safety (for Kids), Jobs for Teens (Top Ten), Kids in the Kitchen, Learn What they Live (Children), Manners (The Importance of Teaching Them), Montessori Education (Philosophy), Newborn (Welcoming Home), Obesity (Childhood), Peer Pressure (Living with), Poisoning Your Children and Family, Promiscuity in Teenage Girls, Quitting is NOT an Option (Persistence Pays Off), Reading (The ABC's), Recipes for Clay Play, Restaurant Etiquette for Children (And Family), Safety (Teaching Children), Sensory Learning (The Importance), Sportsmanship (Teaching Children), Spring is in the Air (Planting Activity), Teenage Fashion Do’s and Don’ts for Guys, Understanding Why Children Stutter or Stammer, Vacationing with Kids, Working Moms - Stay-at-Home Moms, Xtreme Personalities in Children, Youth Summer Camps, "Z" What Begins with the Letter (Summer Learning Activity). 

In fact, you'll find forty-two different parenting subjects to read. A resource you'll want to include in your parenting arsenal.

Get your copy today and stay tuned each month as each volume of the series is released.




Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues (Vol 2)


If you're like many first time parents preparing to welcome their baby into this world, you probably think you’ve got it all figured out.

More than likely you’ve spent months reading as many parenting books geared to help guide you through your pregnancy and to prepare your family to welcome home your newborn. The books you’ve read may assist you through the first few months of your child’s existence into the first year of your baby’s immunizations, teething, and perhaps the initial stages of speech and language development.

What happens, however, when your little one begins to develop their own personality? Trust me when I say that it happens and it happens quickly.  Our sweet little ones can witness or overhear something one time and suddenly you're dealing with a most out-of-the-ordinary behavior.  For instance when your baby grabs another child's toy away from their hands, or throws a toy down and waits for you to pick it up.  Before you know it that sweet baby becomes a toddler that prefers to watch television instead of going outdoors to play.  In the blink of an eye you're having to learn about the drama of being a teenager all over again.  All of these things can begin to pull at your own interpersonal relationships with your spouse or other loved ones.  The good news is that Volume 2 can help you with many of these situations BEFORE they become a situation at all.  Perhaps you need help or assistance with strategies to teach your children about making meaningful apologies to others, or how to make friends, or maybe activities that can be done outside vs. sitting in front of the television.  

Children tend to grow and become little human beings quicker than most parents would like to see. Sadly, during the child growth and development stages, parents are faced with situations that they simply do not have the tools to effectively handle.

Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues (Volume 2) is written to support the needs of parents, teachers, caregivers and even teens. It provides tips, strategies and effective methods for responding to and handling child growth and developmental issues from infancy into adulthood. It even includes topics related to marital relations once children have been introduced into the family unit.

Each volume in the 5-part series is a comprehensive guide which contains many different subjects from literally A to Z.


In Volume 2 you'll find information on:

ADHD (The Latest On), Apologies (Teaching Children How to Make them Meaningful), Balancing Act (Life is a), Bully (MY Child is the), Cellphones (The Dangers of), Cold and Flu (How to Avoid), Conscience, Curfews, Dating (A Parent's Guide), Extracurricular Activities, First Aid Basics, Friends (Learning How to Make Them), Graduation (What's Next?), Homework (The Joy of), In Crowd (Fitting In and Why It's Important to Kids), Juvenile Diabetes), Kicking the Habit (Dangers of Second-Hand Smoke), Latch Key Kids (Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe), Menarche, Moving with Kids (Tips to Make the Experience Easier for Kids), Newborn (Interacting with), Outdoor Activities with Kids (Part 1), Pools (Above Ground Safety and Hazards), Quality Time vs. Quantity (of Time Spent with Kids), Reading (The Importance of Summer Time), Relationship Building & Rescue (Part 1), Responsibility (Teaching Children), Scrapbooking (with kids),  Self-Fulfilling Prophecies and Children, Sex & Other Sensitive Topics, Teenagers Guide to Dating, Trials and Tribulations of Teens, Understanding the Potential Dangers of Apple Juice, Viewing Habits of Toddlers, Adolescents and Teenagers (Television), Watermelon Smoothies - Great Treat & Summertime Activity, Xercising Tips for Parents (Making the Most of Your Moments), Youth Drivers - Right or Privilege?, "Zoology" (This Place is a Zoo) Summertime Fun Activity.


In fact, you'll find thirty-eight different parenting subjects to read. A resource you'll want to include in your parenting arsenal.

Get your copy today and stay tuned each month as each volume of the series is released.




Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues (Vol 3)


If you're like many first time parents preparing to welcome their baby into this world, you probably think you’ve got it all figured out.



Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues is loaded with amazing topics that anyone working with children in any capacity won’t want to miss. Whether you are a parent, teacher, caregiver or teen that is looking for information needed to help with a current or upcoming situation, you’ll more than likely find it within the covers of one of my books.


With well over two-hundred and fifty different topics covered in the five-part series, this volume contains (38) topics that will make the perfect companion to your “Parenting Arsenal” and other resources contained in your parenting strategies library. If you don't already have parenting books I promise you the answers to questions that you “just don’t feel comfortable asking others” or those of you seeking advice or tools of the trade for your parenting arsenal will be inside one of the volumes. There is something for everyone.Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000421_00029]


Each volume includes topics that are relevant to each age group from birth into adulthood with Volume 3 of the series including the following topics: Activities with Kids (Making them Count), Back to School Blues, Camping with Kids, Child’s Brain (Fun Learning Applications), Concussions (Playing it Safe), Crafting with Kids, Disease, Empathy (Teaching Children), Flu Shots or Not (Healthy Alternatives), Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet (As a Treatment Option for Autism), Halloween Safety Tips, Hands-On Learning at its Best (Part 1), Insect Repellents (The Dangers of), Jealousies and How to Overcome Issues within Blended Families and Stepchildren), Kind Words of Praise A Child Should Hear Daily), Liar, Liar Pants on Fire (Learn How to Recognize Body Language), Memory Building Techniques, Muscular Dystrophy (Duchenne), “NO” (Alternatives to Saying “NO” to Children), Outdoor Activities with Kids (Part II), Pets (Children and Their), Potty Training Tips, Quitting (If at First You Don’t Succeed), Relationship Rescue Part II, R-E-S-P-E-C-T (Teaching it), Routines (The Importance for Kids), Sexual Curiosity (Natural vs. Skewed), Snack Time (Kicker Cheese Balls), Sweetened to Death (Artificial Sweeteners), Teenage Girl’s Guide to Becoming a Fashionista, Teeth (How to Keep them Healthy for a Lifetime), Ten Simple Rules to Live By, Understanding the Effects of Trauma on Children, Variations in Parenting Styles, World (Our Toxic), Excelling at Anything one Finds Meaningful, Yelling vs. Whispering to Get Your Child’s Attention, Zootopia (A Look into Differences, Stereotypes, and More). Each book is filled with helpful tips, tools, strategies and advice that may be just what you are looking for to help raise happy, healthy babies, children and teenagers and even topics specifically related to marital situations that are difficult to tackle without additional information, advice or effective methods for achieving the goals you desire.


Like I said, something for everyone.


In fact, you'll find thirty-eight different parenting subjects to read. A resource you'll want to include in your parenting arsenal.

Get your copy today and stay tuned each month as each volume of the series is released.




Liver for Dinner

Discover the Secrets of Operation Food Disposal


Liver for Dinner, told from the point of view of Preston, an ordinary seven year old boy, goes over and beyond completing household chores to be rewarded with one of his favorite meals for dinner. 
Unfortunately, his mother has other ideas about the dinner menu which leads Preston down the comical path making multiple excuses followed by "Operation Food Disposal". 
See if Preston is successful or if he is caught in one of his many plots. 

This book is sure to put a smile upon your face as you think back to your own childhood or perhaps your children's many plots to eliminate food they didn't enjoy from their plate.

In addition, the back of the book contains a healthy eating guide including the food pyramid as designed specifically for children in terms of servings from each group and of course what a "serving size" actually means in terms of proportion.  Great information for parents, grandparents and teachers working with children in any capacity. 

 Get your copy today and enjoy the fun. 





Positive Discipline:  Simple Steps to Encourage Appropriate Behavior in Children


Welcome to Discipline 101:  Learn the Steps to Discourage Inappropriate Behavior in Your Children or Students


The Author who brought you Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues brings this amazing resource on a subject many parents cringe over, Discipline. In Positive Discipline: Simple Steps to Encourage Appropriate Behavior in Children, you will learn first and foremost the importance of being consistent when it comes to disciplining children. Whether a single parent, stepparent, married couple, or an individual who works closely with children, you’ll discover why parents who lack a plan will also lack the skills to tackle some of parenting’s toughest challenges.

As a parent, grandparent, educator, or caregiver of children, there will be times when that little cutie pie will make YOU speak gibberish and want to pull your hair out. But, before you go picking out a wig, you’ll be happy to know there is a better solution. This handy reference book, which should be a part of everyone’s parenting arsenal, will impress upon you how “keeping one’s cool” when times get tough may allow one to effectively maneuver through the many bumps in the road that lay ahead, ultimately leading happily to the other side.

Within the six sections of this book, you’ll learn: 1) what discipline is supposed to resemble, 2) how to get children to mind before losing yours, 3) the basics as outlined in Discipline 101, 4) positive strategies to handle specific behaviors, 5) how to manage behavioral challenges that may unfold, and there is a section just for teachers, 6) tips and techniques on handling behavior management in schools.

The comprehensive tips, strategies, and techniques found in this book will help prepare you by supplying you with the facts and effective methods to assist you in raising responsible, happy, well-adjusted children, making everyone’s lives more fulfilling and rewarding.

You’ll learn tips and the psychology behind:
     Avoiding power struggles,
     Recognizing the significance of gestures,
     How the tone of voice sets the tone of the interaction,
     Establishing age-appropriate expectations,
     Effectively using non-verbal discipline,
     Positive verbal discipline techniques,
     The value of positive reinforcement,
     Implementation consistent consequences,
     Forms of discipline.

You’ll also learn effective strategies and methods on how to handle difficult or challenging behaviors such as:
     Aggressive Behavior,
     Hitting and Biting,
     Disrespectful Behaviors,
     Screaming Toddlers,
     Temper Tantrums,
And so much More!

If you’re looking for answers or solutions, or you’re trying to establish your own discipline philosophy in order to make parenting simpler, this is the book for you.




Positive Discipline:  Simple Steps to Encourage Appropriate Behavior in Children


Welcome to Discipline 101:  Learn the Steps to Discourage Inappropriate Behavior in Your Children or Students


The Author who brought you Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues brings this amazing resource on a subject many parents cringe over, Discipline. In Positive Discipline: Simple Steps to Encourage Appropriate Behavior in Children, you will learn first and foremost the importance of being consistent when it comes to disciplining children. Whether a single parent, stepparent, married couple, or an individual who works closely with children, you’ll discover why parents who lack a plan will also lack the skills to tackle some of parenting’s toughest challenges.

As a parent, grandparent, educator, or caregiver of children, there will be times when that little cutie pie will make YOU speak gibberish and want to pull your hair out. But, before you go picking out a wig, you’ll be happy to know there is a better solution. This handy reference book, which should be a part of everyone’s parenting arsenal, will impress upon you how “keeping one’s cool” when times get tough may allow one to effectively maneuver through the many bumps in the road that lay ahead, ultimately leading happily to the other side.

Within the six sections of this book, you’ll learn: 1) what discipline is supposed to resemble, 2) how to get children to mind before losing yours, 3) the basics as outlined in Discipline 101, 4) positive strategies to handle specific behaviors, 5) how to manage behavioral challenges that may unfold, and there is a section just for teachers, 6) tips and techniques on handling behavior management in schools.

The comprehensive tips, strategies, and techniques found in this book will help prepare you by supplying you with the facts and effective methods to assist you in raising responsible, happy, well-adjusted children, making everyone’s lives more fulfilling and rewarding.

You’ll learn tips and the psychology behind:
     Avoiding power struggles,
     Recognizing the significance of gestures,
     How the tone of voice sets the tone of the interaction,
     Establishing age-appropriate expectations,
     Effectively using non-verbal discipline,
     Positive verbal discipline techniques,
     The value of positive reinforcement,
     Implementation consistent consequences,
     Forms of discipline.

You’ll also learn effective strategies and methods on how to handle difficult or challenging behaviors such as:
     Aggressive Behavior,
     Hitting and Biting,
     Disrespectful Behaviors,
     Screaming Toddlers,
     Temper Tantrums,
And so much More!

If you’re looking for answers or solutions, or you’re trying to establish your own discipline philosophy in order to make parenting simpler, this is the book for you.




Positive Discipline:  Simple Steps to Encourage Appropriate Behavior in Children


Welcome to Discipline 101:  Learn the Steps to Discourage Inappropriate Behavior in Your Children or Students


The Author who brought you Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues brings this amazing resource on a subject many parents cringe over, Discipline. In Positive Discipline: Simple Steps to Encourage Appropriate Behavior in Children, you will learn first and foremost the importance of being consistent when it comes to disciplining children. Whether a single parent, stepparent, married couple, or an individual who works closely with children, you’ll discover why parents who lack a plan will also lack the skills to tackle some of parenting’s toughest challenges.

As a parent, grandparent, educator, or caregiver of children, there will be times when that little cutie pie will make YOU speak gibberish and want to pull your hair out. But, before you go picking out a wig, you’ll be happy to know there is a better solution. This handy reference book, which should be a part of everyone’s parenting arsenal, will impress upon you how “keeping one’s cool” when times get tough may allow one to effectively maneuver through the many bumps in the road that lay ahead, ultimately leading happily to the other side.

Within the six sections of this book, you’ll learn: 1) what discipline is supposed to resemble, 2) how to get children to mind before losing yours, 3) the basics as outlined in Discipline 101, 4) positive strategies to handle specific behaviors, 5) how to manage behavioral challenges that may unfold, and there is a section just for teachers, 6) tips and techniques on handling behavior management in schools.

The comprehensive tips, strategies, and techniques found in this book will help prepare you by supplying you with the facts and effective methods to assist you in raising responsible, happy, well-adjusted children, making everyone’s lives more fulfilling and rewarding.

You’ll learn tips and the psychology behind:
     Avoiding power struggles,
     Recognizing the significance of gestures,
     How the tone of voice sets the tone of the interaction,
     Establishing age-appropriate expectations,
     Effectively using non-verbal discipline,
     Positive verbal discipline techniques,
     The value of positive reinforcement,
     Implementation consistent consequences,
     Forms of discipline.

You’ll also learn effective strategies and methods on how to handle difficult or challenging behaviors such as:
     Aggressive Behavior,
     Hitting and Biting,
     Disrespectful Behaviors,
     Screaming Toddlers,
     Temper Tantrums,
And so much More!

If you’re looking for answers or solutions, or you’re trying to establish your own discipline philosophy in order to make parenting simpler, this is the book for you.




Positive Discipline:  Simple Steps to Encourage Appropriate Behavior in Children


Welcome to Discipline 101:  Learn the Steps to Discourage Inappropriate Behavior in Your Children or Students


The Author who brought you Children Topics from A to Z: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues brings this amazing resource on a subject many parents cringe over, Discipline. In Positive Discipline: Simple Steps to Encourage Appropriate Behavior in Children, you will learn first and foremost the importance of being consistent when it comes to disciplining children. Whether a single parent, stepparent, married couple, or an individual who works closely with children, you’ll discover why parents who lack a plan will also lack the skills to tackle some of parenting’s toughest challenges.

As a parent, grandparent, educator, or caregiver of children, there will be times when that little cutie pie will make YOU speak gibberish and want to pull your hair out. But, before you go picking out a wig, you’ll be happy to know there is a better solution. This handy reference book, which should be a part of everyone’s parenting arsenal, will impress upon you how “keeping one’s cool” when times get tough may allow one to effectively maneuver through the many bumps in the road that lay ahead, ultimately leading happily to the other side.

Within the six sections of this book, you’ll learn: 1) what discipline is supposed to resemble, 2) how to get children to mind before losing yours, 3) the basics as outlined in Discipline 101, 4) positive strategies to handle specific behaviors, 5) how to manage behavioral challenges that may unfold, and there is a section just for teachers, 6) tips and techniques on handling behavior management in schools.

The comprehensive tips, strategies, and techniques found in this book will help prepare you by supplying you with the facts and effective methods to assist you in raising responsible, happy, well-adjusted children, making everyone’s lives more fulfilling and rewarding.

You’ll learn tips and the psychology behind:
     Avoiding power struggles,
     Recognizing the significance of gestures,
     How the tone of voice sets the tone of the interaction,
     Establishing age-appropriate expectations,
     Effectively using non-verbal discipline,
     Positive verbal discipline techniques,
     The value of positive reinforcement,
     Implementation consistent consequences,
     Forms of discipline.

You’ll also learn effective strategies and methods on how to handle difficult or challenging behaviors such as:
     Aggressive Behavior,
     Hitting and Biting,
     Disrespectful Behaviors,
     Screaming Toddlers,
     Temper Tantrums,
And so much More!

If you’re looking for answers or solutions, or you’re trying to establish your own discipline philosophy in order to make parenting simpler, this is the book for you.

